Saturday, September 14, 2019


               Everyone clamors to get in where the rule of law prevails. What is the rule of law? It is the Mosaic principle that every person is created in the image and likeness of God and must always be considered in that light.
               But “unless God watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.” Why? Because unless the city wall itself is the Mosaic principle of the brotherhood of all persons, the law of the jungle played out inside the city is the same as the jungle law outside the city, albeit with different rules.

 “The feeding trough in America is infinite,” T. Boone Pickens said. If you know the rules.
           The same drama is acted out continually inside every human heart. That’s what is meant by, “the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.” Unless my thinking is predicated upon my stake in the well-being of every other human, it’s just predation.

Wednesday, July 03, 2019


Every single moment of our lives is a Psalm 27:3 moment. 

("Even if I'm surrounded by an army I'll fear nothing; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident." (Confident in God's capacity to accomplish His purposes through me and in the certainty that my unity and collaborations with Him will yield a beautiful bountiful harvest! That is, war has been declared against God's purposes in your life; an army is besieging you and all of those God would have you touch with His love (powerful forces that grow out of our fears are at work to separate and isolate and destroy us) yet you need worry about nothing!)) 

If God does not miraculously deliver us, we're going to get slaughtered. "But take heart!" Jesus said (John 16:33). "With Me, you're in the eye of the storm."

Monday, February 25, 2019

Mac & Cheese

Life without God is empty, like macaroni without the cheese. But God will not be your cheese unless you ask. You've got to say, "God, I'll be the macaroni, You be the Cheese; fill me up!"