Monday, July 14, 2008

Serve the City Quarterly Volunteer Day

Greetings, Serve the City Volunteers,

One of my favorite moments in the Bible happens in Luke chapter 8 when a woman who touches Jesus is instantly healed. "I know that power has gone out from me," Jesus explained.

I know that power went out from you Saturday.

Before beginning work Saturday at Casa Sol we prayed for the health of all the children that live there. One thing that will definitely contribute to their well-being is just the sort of care and attention you showed them and the children of Aldeia SOS at our Quarterly Volunteer Day: improving their homes, smiling, loving them in hundreds of small ways. These things extend life and relieve suffering.

But it isn't just the people we serve who benefit. I worked with one volunteer who was new to Serve the City and had come, in part, to see if he has jeito for this sort of thing. He used a circular saw to trim a new door to fit at Casa Sol. Before cutting we explained an important Serve the City Rule: The first thousand times you do something new you're not allowed to criticize your work. You're practicing. Criticism is poison and self-criticism is lethal. The door fits perfectly. Everybody wins.

Thank you. Thank you for sharing yourself, your time, your energy and your talent with us when you might have been doing something for yourself.

Not everything went smoothly Saturday. We're still learning how best to serve. But many, many beautiful things happened. I know, because a lot of them happened to me.

We look forward to working with you again.

God bless you.


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